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Cookies are messages sent by web servers to browsers every time you visit websites. Your browser stores each message in a file that gives us information about your last visit to our web page. Most web browsers automatically accept the use of cookies, but you can change your browser to control the use of these cookies. Some cookies are essential for you to use a website optimally because they allow you to remember the information you have already entered, such as the flights you have selected or whether you are logged in or not. Other cookies may be used to record your browsing and booking behavior in order to collect analytical data about your use of a website or to introduce you to different products that may be of interest to you.

Managing Cookies
Cookies preferences must be set for each browser (Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Safari). In general, you have several ways to manage cookies, including: allowing or completely disabling cookies, deleting specific cookies that have already been saved by the browser, preventing certain websites from sending cookies to your computer, or blocking third-party cookies (when, while browsing a website, cookies are sent to your computer by another website). Please see the links below for more information on managing cookies with each of the major browsers:

We are honored to have you among our users and are committed to maintaining the relationship of trust we have.

If you have any questions or wish to obtain additional information about our policy of managing your personal data, we invite you to contact us at the following address: info@travelcheck.co.za